Profile Information

This admin panel lets you add/remove items from the member profile page. Right now, there are twelve items pre-loaded.

  • Live Journal

  • Web site

  • AOL

  • ICQ

  • MSN IM

  • Yahoo IM

  • Deviant Art

  • Beta-Reader

  • DeadJournal

  • Xanga

  • Gender

  • MySpace

The majority of the pre-loaded items were in 2.0. To turn one of the pre-loaded items on/off. Click edit. Check the box next to "Field enabled" to turn the field on. On the same form you can change the name and title of the field. Just like the page links and custom pages, the name will be the variable for you to use in your .tpl files and the title will be what appears on screen in the registration/edit bio form and the profile.

There are a number of types of fields defined.

  • URL - This is a url. The script will automatically turn this into a link when displaying it in the profile.

  • Select Box - A drop down select box to choose from a selection. In the form place each option in the box in a separate line.

  • Yes/No - Answer to a yes/no question.

  • ID with URL - These are like fanfiction or livejournal links where there is a base url with the user's id. Enter the url with {info} where the person's ID goes. For instance: http://{info} The registration/edit bio form will present a text box for the member to enter their id.

  • Custom code - This option lets you provide custom code to handle the entry and display of the item. The aol, icq, msn, and yahoo fields use custom code.

  • Text - This type gives the author a text box to enter information. The information is presented back as text as well. The limit on user text is 255 characters!

Last updated