Admin panel for user with level 1:
Series are collections of related stories by the same or multiple authors. A story and its sequels, for example, would be a series. Series might also be used for a "shared universe" in which multiple authors write. The person who creates the series is considered the series "owner" and controls whether or not the series is "open" to contributions by other authors or not. Even if the series is "closed", the series owner has the option to include stories from other authors in the series. This form is the same as members with an additional option to select the owner of the series.
This form is the same as members use in the "Account Info" area except it has an additional option to select the author of the series. You will also see options to validate and mark the story as featured.
This page allows administrators to manage the featured stories of the site. A story may initially be marked as featured:
From the add/edit story form.
By clicking on the "Featured" link in the "Admin Options" list for the story.
Once a story has been marked it will appear in a table on this admin page. From here, site administrators may choose to "retire" the story or remove its featured status entirely.
This page is used to add and administer the news stories for the site.
This page allows site adminstrators to manage the stories in the submission queue. This page is only used when automatic validation of stories is turned off and admistrators are manually validating stories. This page will list the stories waiting in the queue.
This page lets site administrators "hide" skins from members. Administrators are advised to do this while they work on developing a new skin.
This page is used to manage the site categories. To view a category's sub-categories in the list click on the "+" sign next to the name of the category.
To add categories:
Goto Admin -> Categories.
For a new top level category click "Add New Top Level Category" or for a new sub-category click on the "Sub-Category" link in the Options column for the parent category.
Enter the category information and click "Submit". A locked category is a category where new story submissions are not accepted. It is generally used to "lock" top level categories and force submissions into sub-categories beneath the locked category.
This page is used to manage the characters. Characters for a specific category can be added from the categories page or directly from this page.
To add characters:
Choose on the category in which to place the characters (or "Sitewide" to make the characters accessible site wide).
Choose on the number of characters to add.
Click "Submit".
You will now be presented with a form in which to enter the information about each character. A bio for the character is optional. If entered, it will appear at the top of the "Browse" page for that character.
Ratings are a required element for story submission. Ratings are intended to show the intended audience for a story much as the MPAA ratings work for movies. Note: You are strongly advised not to use the MPAA ratings for your archive as they have threatened archives with legal action for doing so. The story's rating can also be used to limit access to certain stories.
Rating - The text of the rating. This is limited to 60 characters.
Warning Pop-up - If this box is checked, a warning pop-up will be displayed for stories with this rating. The text of this warning is defined in the "Warning text" field. If warning pop-up's only once is selected in the settings, the site will remember whether or not this rating warning has appeared and will only display it once. If it is not selected, the warning pop-up will display each time.
Age Consent Required - If this box is checked, the visitor must have confirmed they are an adult (either via their preferences if they're logged in or via the warning pop-up) before they can view stories with this rating.
Registered Users Only - If this box is checked, the visitor must be logged in to view stories with this rating.
Warning text - The warning text that will be displayed to the user in the pop-up warning (if any).
Classifications take the place of the genres and warnings from 1.1 and 2.0. The change lets you define your own classifications without hacking into the files.
To add a new classification type:
Goto Admin -> Classifications.
Click on "Add New Classification Type".
Enter the name and title for the classification type such as "genres" or "warnings". The title can be anything you like. The title will be what is displayed on the screen. The name will be used in your skin template as a variable so it should be a unique one word description. As an example: enter the name as "genre" and the title as "Genres".
Click "Submit".
After you click submit you'll be taken back to the table listing your classification types.
Click on the classification type ("Genres" to continue the example). This will take you to the list of classifications within that type.
Click "Add New Classifications" to go to the form to add your classifications for that type. You'll have as many blanks on this form as you've set items per page.
Enter the classifications (to continue the example: romance, action/adventure, mystery) one in each text box.
Click submit.
To edit a classification or classification type click "Edit" in the options in the table. To delete a classification click "delete" in the options.
This page gives site administrators a number of options for managing the members of their site. Note: Some of these options may be unavailable if you have bridged your eFiction site to another application.
At the top of the page are a number of options to sort members by:
All Members - lists all members
Admins - lists all administrators
Authors - lists only members who have submitted stories to the archive
Authors Input by Admins - lists authors who have been added by admins. Note: Will not function for bridged sites.
Non-validated Members - lists members who have not been validated.
Validated Members - lists members who have been validated
Locked Members - lists members whose accounts have been locked (banned)
Unlocked Members - lists members whose accounts are active (non-banned)
Validated members are members whose stories by-pass the validation queue and are accepted automatically in archives where administrators are validating stories manually. By clicking on a members name in one of the last four lists, you are choosing to take that action on that member. For instance, if you click on a member's name in the Non-validated Members list, you will be taken to a page that will let you validate that member. The reverse is also true, if you click on a member's name in the Validated Members list, you will be taken to a page that will let you revoke the validated status for that member.
An additional option, at the bottom of the page, for non-bridged sites is the ability to add new members. These are the members that appear in the "Authors Input by Admins" list. When clicking on a name in that list, administrators are given the option to release the author's account to their control.
Site administrators can use this option to mail all members of the site. Administrators may also limit the email to authors or admins in a certain category of the site.